107 Acting Tips
Our list of every darn acting tip we could squeeze into one easy to read list. Get stuck in…
1. Watch a play. If you haven’t watched a play this month book a ticket now.
2. Work a scene with a friend THIS WEEK.
3. Do something you’ve never done before.
4. Read a poem.
5. Speak a poem out loud.
6. Delete embarrassing Facebook photos.
7. Breathe. You can’t act when you are holding your breath.
8. Do you have an agent? Spend the majority of your time getting an agent.
9. Sign up to IMBD Pro.
10. Have a favourite actor.
11. Watch the IMDB Top 250. Finish the top 100 this year.
12. Follow StageMilk on Facebook and Twitter.
13. Read something on Stanislavski.
14. Read a voice book.
15. Read The Power of the Actor Chapter 1 – 3.
16. Do an acting class. Even if it’s one hour do something THIS MONTH.
17. Buy a camera.
18. Hum in the shower.
19. Congratulate people on their success.
20. Try Tai Chi.
21. Try Feldenkrais
22. Try Alexander Technique.
23. Try Yoga.
24. Exercise 3 times this week. And next week. And every week until the day you die.
25. Read Plays.
26. Learn your lines.
27. Do a voice warm up.
28. Get a haircut.
29. Watch films.
30. Read every night before bed.
31. Read the first three pages out loud.
32. Watch television shows.
33. Read books on acting.
34. Get an acting coach.
35. Read plays out loud with friends.
36. Tell stories.
37. Tell jokes.
38. Learn to dance.
39. Dance.
40. Learn to sing.
41. SING.
42. Fall in love.
43. Live your life.
44. See a therapist.
45. Watch interviews with actors.
46. Write everyday.
47. Read everyday.
48. Go to drama school.
49. Listen to podcasts.
50. Talk about theatre.
51. Ask questions!
52. Have your heart broken.
53. Be vulnerable.
54. Have an opinion.
55. Get political.
56. Learn to love conflict.
57. Be honest with yourself.
58. Get a mentor.
59. Get an apprentice.
60. Stay flexible.
61. Open your heart.
62. Start a writing group.
63. Join a book club.
64. Engage in a community.
65. Write a play.
66. Go to fringe festivals.
67. Go to opening nights.
68. Make a short film.
69. Produce a play.
70. Go backstage in a big theatre.
71. Stand on a main stage.
72. Make mistakes.
73. Do what scares you.
74. GET FIT.
75. Meditate…
76. Download Headspace.
77. Do an improv class.
78. Roll around on the floor.
79. PLaY like a CHILD.
80. Trust yourself.
81. Trust the director.
82. Trust your casting.
83. Read the play before learning your lines.
84. Watch people.
85. Listen.
86. Listen to your parents stories.
87. Learn history.
88. Learn the history of theatre.
90. Try new things.
91. Enjoy your own company.
92. Stay up all night.
93. Go sky diving.
94. Learn EVERYONE’S names.
95. Help friends with auditions.
96. Build something.
97. Learn a poem.
98. Write a poem.
99. Get a diary.
100. Don’t start an acting blog.
101. Buy a Dictionary.
102. Learn a new word everyday.
104. Learn a new skill.
105. Sit in on a rehearsal.
106. TEACH.
107. Be BOLD.
In just one week this article has become our most popular of all time! We have been overwhelmed by the support for this page. Here are some additional goodies:
53. Want to know more about vulnerability…watch
101. Oxford Dictionary is the best. If you are looking for an app Dictionary.com is easiest to use.
108. Learn to swear!
Some actors have viewed this article as a joke and yes it’s a bit of fun and can seem silly at times, but underneath it is a very simple truth. A call to action for you to stay motivated and inspired to as artists. Whatever you can do to maintain that is important; even if it is a little silly.
Love this list? Add to this list of acting tips in a comment below.
For some seriously personal acting tips…
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Love love love this. There’s about 40 on here I need to start doing every day. Thank you for the Wed motivation StageMilk Team.
Observe how people walk and talk.
Read a screenplay!
Learn to juggle. The basic cascade pattern is not hard. Find a juggler or watch Yourube videos.
Thanks for the list.
My response: https://andreguantanamo.com/2016/04/14/107-acting-tips-in-review/
So many good ideas here. A great list of tips for living life to the fullest, even if you are not a professional actor!!
I would love to see your list for tips for successful Direction – who are the best Directors you have encountered?
Stagemilk is awesome guys – love sharing your FB posts!!
I love this list! I’m going to print it and hang it where I can see it every day.
These are actually some really awesome ideas for developing acting skills. A lot of times, I’m sad that I can’t take more acting classes, but then I see stuff like this and I’m reminded that there are things I can do every day to make me a better actor. Acting classes obviously play a role in development, but the little things make a difference too. Thanks for the advice!
Nice i like it
Meditate daily
I am missing number 103.
Admittedly I only noticed this because I teach drama to teenagers…
Fail and then fail again. Infact fail everyday at least once and learn to love it.
Allow yourself to be routinely surprised……on stage and off.
Spend ten minutes in absolute present time. No future of any sort, no past. Right here, right now, no judgement. Be.
Once Daily.
Roll around on the floor is what got me