Comments on: Why You Should Quit Acting Acting Information, Monologues and Resources Mon, 19 Oct 2020 02:14:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monday Bristow Thu, 27 Oct 2016 14:10:34 +0000 It’s true, you will never see a performance the same way. You’ll recognize all the work that went into it and appreciate it more. Every reason listed in this article is flimsy and generally untrue. If acting makes you happy, DON’T QUIT. Don’t take the advice of someone who clearly has no dreams and no motivation.

By: Salvatore Mascarone Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:53:18 +0000 These are pretty wanky reasons to quit acting and generally any actor who is offering reasons to quit acting to another actor needs to re-think their criteria. Although this article isn’t clearly telling anyone to “quit” as a directive, the reasons themselves are flimsy. There are so many reasons beyond the above mentioned why someone should quit acting that I could think of, but “Not being good Enough” is up for debate. Sure, you can clearly tell if some one is absolute shit, but let them live their lives and continue being shitty until hopefully they fix that. If they can’t fix it then hopefully they can be honest enough with themselves and considerate enough to the rest of the world to just stop whatever shitty acting their doing and get their shit together.
