What are Given Circumstances?
Given Circumstances explained...
Given Circumstances explained...
Ever fallen asleep only to be woken by the round of applause motivated mainly by thanks that the play is over...
Want to land a role on Big Bang Theory...
Thinking of doing pilot season in New York...
Start talking like "you" on stage. You're not a robot...
Can we as actors learn anything from acting games...
A few thoughts on why all actors should do more impro. There are many benefits for both training actors and professionals. ...
Landed a lead role? Be a leader! You have a responsibility to set the standard for the production. ...
You want to run. You want to scream. You want to buy a one way ticket to Mexico and erase all memories of the theatre with fish tacos and margaritas...
I’ve booked more advertising gigs than any other type of acting work. I don’t know what that says about my face, my acting, or my agent...