Best New Zealand Playwrights
While the Kiwis may be famous for Peter Jackson, Jane Campion and Taika Waititi in the film world, they’ve got some golden playwrights too! Here’s a little listicle detailing some of the best writers for the stage in NZ. It’s tough work coordinating a list of the best when there are so many excellent playwrights to choose from. In creating the list we have considered their contribution to New Zealand theatre, writing style, issues detailed in the work, and popular opinion. We hope that from this list you go forth and dive into reading more plays that perhaps you wouldn’t have otherwise encountered – to help you out we’ve listed a couple of the playwrights’ most prominent plays below.
Our Top Picks
#1 Bruce Mason
The End of the Golden Weather, The Pohutukawa Tree
#2 Briar Grace-Smith
Ngā Pou Wāhine, When Sun and Moon Collide
#3 Greg McGee
Foreskin’s Lament, Tooth and Claw
#4 Riwia Brown
Roimata, Nga Wahine (The Women)
#5 Roger Hall
Glide Time, Conjugal Rites
#6 Hone Kouka
Nga Tangata Toa (The Warrior People), Waiora
#7 Jacob Rajan
Krishnan’s Dairy, The Candlestick Maker
#8 Robert Lord
Joyful and Triumphant, It Isn’t Cricket
#9 Renée
Setting the Table, Missionary Position
#10 Toa Fraser
No. 2, BARE
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